On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 01:07:42AM +0200, Sami Haahtinen wrote:

> The only proper solution (which i was looking into this weekend
> actually) would be to statically link all required libraries into
> libnss-ldap and keep that in /lib, i'm not that keen in the idea as it
> might bring some new unexpected problems.

As libnss-ldap can be configured to use SASL (and as a result, pluggable
modules), I don't think static linking is a very feasible solution.  A
better question would be, why does the system need nss_ldap loaded at
time of shutdown?  Any processes still present at the time drives are
being unmounted should not require NSS to do their job; and in fact, on
none of the machines where I use nss_ldap have I had problems with
drives not being unmounted cleanly.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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