On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 05:08:06PM +0200, Sami Haahtinen wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 11:39:43PM -0600, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > As libnss-ldap can be configured to use SASL (and as a result, pluggable
> > modules), I don't think static linking is a very feasible solution.  A
> > better question would be, why does the system need nss_ldap loaded at
> > time of shutdown?  Any processes still present at the time drives are
> > being unmounted should not require NSS to do their job; and in fact, on
> > none of the machines where I use nss_ldap have I had problems with
> > drives not being unmounted cleanly.

> I actually figured out what is causing the errors while unmounting /usr,
> (at this point i assume you have ash installed and /bin/sh pointing to
> it) it turned out that /etc/init.d/rc is run under /bin/sh, which is
> bash by default, and needs the nss libraries for some reason. I was able
> to fix the problem by installing ash as /bin/sh.

Ah, that could be; the machine I've paid most attention to is one I have
/bin/ash -> /bin/sh on for debugging purposes.

> i don't think i should re-assign the bug (#118607) that started this
> discussion as it doesn't refer to this problem but to a different
> problem. Also i'm not quite sure if i should file a bug against sysvinit
> either, as the bug is not really sysvinit's fault, it's more of a bug in
> bash, which is not related to the problem that much.. 

I think when you get right down to it, bash needs to be fixed to not
depend on nss for running shutdown scripts.  Requiring all libraries used
by an NSS module to be installed in /lib would rapidly bloat the root
partition, practically to the point of making it impractical to have a
separate /usr partition anyway.  I would prefer to not need to make room
for libs such as libmysqlclient, libpgsql, and libldap (and all of its
dependencies) when designing servers just because of a bug in bash.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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