Rogério Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On May 19 2006, Kevin Bube wrote:


> While I do think that xorg 7 is supposed to get into testing for the
> etch release, there may be some time before that happens. This means
> that your package won't be usable for those that run etch, until that
> happens.
> Depending on the dependencies (I didn't pay attention to those), your
> package won't migrate to testing before xorg 7 goes. So, your package
> will get less exposure.
> I would be willing to test and use it (actually *using* the package
> should be its primary goal), :-) if I could use it with etch.

I will see if I can do a separate package for testing.

I agree, that it is desirable to get as much users testing the package
as possible, but I don't see how to put an additional 'logic' in the
rules file to see if the package is built for testing or unstable and
change the file destinations automatically. I also doubt if it is worth
the trouble, as 7 is about to move into testing soon,
hopefully. (For a Debian suitable definition of 'soon' ;-)



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