2008/4/15, Charles Plessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Le Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:03:17AM +0200, Miriam Ruiz a écrit :
> > In general I try to avoid heated discussions with stubborn upstreams
> > The 4th point is simply totally stupid and useless
> > Some upstreams are just plainly stupid
> > It's simply too childish.
> Hello Miriam,

Hi :)

>  while I do not really disagree with your conclusions, I was just
>  wondering before you sent this email if the discussion got heated
>  because the upstream read the thread on -mentors and got upset by
>  persons calling his license "stupid".

No, not in this case. It all seems to come from a previous discussion
among some of them, some time ago [1]. I chose the words I used
consciously, so I cannot excuse myself by saying it was the heat of
the discussion, even more when I'm not personally involved at all in
this package in any way. I'm sorry if it seemed that I was talking
about this concrete upstream, I was just generalizing. In fact I was
really thinking about another concrete person (upstream of a couple of
games) when I used the word "stupid", who really got the nerves out of
me some time ago. I wasn't talking about this concrete upstream or
this concrete situation, it's not the first time I go through
something like this.

>  Since we know that email is a communication method that is very prone to
>  misunderstandings, I think that we should try to play safe when
>  discussion about third parties on a public mailing list.

To avoid misunderstandings and just in case, I'll try to clarify this:
I wasn't calling stupid to anyone in particular and was just
generalizing. In fact, I wasn't trying to insult upstream for this
game: I don't know them, never met them, never spoke to them, so I
cannot think anything of them, good or bad.

As it is obvious, but wanting to make it crystal clear: my words are
my personal opinion and in no way should be interpreted as
representing Debian or the Debian Games Team  in any way, or any other
group of people apart of myself. If upstream for that game reads this
and gets angry, my words are my own responsibility and it's me who
they have to blame for them, and no one else. I'll try to be more
politically correct with my words next time, to avoid potential
problems with some upstreams.

>  I also wonder if IRC should be avoided for potentially difficult
>  interactions with upstream. Anyway, thank you Jack for having tried.


[1] http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=957

"there have been quite a lot of nagging on the dev-team about the
license. It started of back in the 0.3.x days, when the license was a
bit more strict, and not to be considered "free". When they then
changed the license to 0.4.x, some nagging just kept going on"

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