On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 06:36 -0700, Kruti wrote:
> i mean when you do apt-get install <package>, all the files of the package
> are installed in /usr.for eg:  packge binary in /usr/bin.
> but if i want the package n all its files to be installed in a directory
> other than /usr for eg in XYZ directory thn what should i do...thnks

The package determines the directories, it is not up to you to change it
unless it is your package (and changes must be compliant with Policy) -
at which point you have to rebuild the package and set the new
directories for use by all users. e.g. dpkg-cross repackages -dev and
lib* packages to change files in /usr/lib/ into files going
into /usr/arm-linux-gnu/lib and /usr/include files
into /usr/arm-linux-gnu/include. Multiarch does a similar thing for
32bit|64bit permutations - again by changing the way that the package is
BUILT. Once built, the directories cannot be altered by apt.

Use dpkg-deb -x for tests and experimentation, use a chroot to isolate
the installation from the rest of the system.


Neil Williams

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