On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:31:55 +0200
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm packing a library (not yet an ITP, just learning) and I'm having some 
> doubts about it.
> Upstream uses autotools, but not in a very correct way, I guess. The library 
> is 3.5.6 version, but the configure + make creates libXXX.so.0.0.0. I have 
> looked on the configure.ac, Makefile.am, etc, and I have not seen any place 
> to pass a parameter to libtoolize. So, how can I "correct" this bug in 
> upstream?


The version of a library has nothing to do with the SONAME. Please read
the libtool manual.

> Also, my second question is about to create a dbg package. Upstream has 
> some --enable-debug that is a -DDEBUG. Looking on the source I have seen some 
> std outs with this define. Looking others packages, I have understood that 
> you create the package normally, and you add 
> dh_strip --dbg-package=
> line to put the striped symbols in that package. This is correct? is it 
> worsewhile to generate that package?

It is worthwhile to create the -dbg but let the build tools create it
for you. 
> And my last question is examples. Upstream has a directory with some 
> examples, 
> but they are not installed (noinst_PROGRAMS), so, should I to patch sources 
> to install them? Or simply, do I copy the files?

noinst_PROGRAMS should not be packaged, generally. Some can be upstream
test cases.


Neil Williams

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