A Dilluns 29 Setembre 2008, Neil Williams va escriure:
> > > What matters is now - educating upstream to tweak the libtool
> > > versioning *separately* from the version string when the ABI next
> > > changes.
> >
> > Uff. Who am I to try to educate to upstream? :-) I can try to send an
> > email about it, but ...
> You are the Debian Maintainer. You have a responsibility to work with
> upstream in a cooperative, effective and friendly manner. You need to
> talk with upstream, persuade them, advise them, recommend changes,
> listen to them, understand their perspective and make a relationship
> with them.

OK, explained in this way I like it :-).

> > > Take a look at my own library (upstream and Debian) - QOF.
> >
> > you use cdbs ... I don't like it, but it's just my opinion....
> What we are discussing here is not related to the Debian packaging,
> CDBS is not an issue here. Nothing you do with these SONAME issues
> needs to have anything to do with CDBS. SONAME work happens upstream,
> in debian/control and only partially in debian/rules.

Arrg!! really we are having difficulties to understand us today. Probably is 
my fault because I have been very cryptic. I have seen several packages 
learning how they do that. Using cdbs is a bit opaque to someone who wants to 
learn. Of course it's nothing to an issue here. Sorry for the noise.

> > > That is how the SONAME should be set.
> >
> > That's what I wanted to know!!!! But I will not patch upstream.
> No, you should not patch upstream to do things like that. SONAMEs are
> an upstream decision. You need a relationship with upstream where you
> listen to them and they listen to you.

Yes, ok.

> Build a relationship first - get on their side and work with them -
> don't just bash them.


> >
> > Yes, this is the first thing that I thought. But, my main problem is that
> > the software that I would like to package (because I like or I use or I
> > think intersting, etc), in general _ALL_ are libraries, so what's
> > supposed that should I to do?
> Find some other orphaned binary packages to work on?
> > Package a software that I don't like, or I don't use?
> Use wnpp-alert or rc-alert and find something that you do use.

Well, I'm trying to target in the specific area that i use.

> > I'm not be able to maintain a package that I don't use/like. I prefer to
> > make the afford to package something to me important.
> Of course, that is essential to all of us. However, you don't just use
> libraries - you have to use some binaries, at least some of them could
> be useful to package, even if you don't try to get them sponsored.

Depend, if you are a developer you use libraries. That was the reason.



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