Gabriele Giacone wrote:
> Leo "costela" Antunes wrote:
>> Was 0.3 already released somewhere? I can find no traces of it either on
>> the homepage, the project page or SVN.
> No and yes. There are no 0.3 binary releases but I found this [1]: 7
> weeks ago, became We could change 0.3 in or we
> could follow a svnrevision-based versioning; I packaged the latest
> revision which is 148 so something like 0.2+svn148-1.
> Personally, I'd prefer the first one,

I'd suggest using the SVN-based versioning, either 0.2+svn148 or
0.3~svn148. It may not look as good (highly subjective), but it keeps a
clean reference to upstream. In the long run, having a package versioned in the archive and no upstream release would make
digging through the repository to backport patches, for instance, a bit
harder than necessary.

Not to mention it might be confusing to users.

Paul Wise's suggestion to poke upstream into releasing 0.3 is also worth
a try, though I didn't get any response from my pings a few months back.

>> I'll take a look at it ASAP and get back to you.
> Thanks.

Some remarks:

- A licensecheck run tells me debian/copyright is missing some details,
if you intend to follow DEP-5:
    - data/femkeklaver.ttf: it's AFAICT freeware and taken from here[0]
    - zoomer.cpp has no copyright statement, but seems to be heavily
based on this[1] (could warrant another upstream poke)
    - happyhttp.{cpp,h} uses the zlib/libpng licence and is copyright
2006 Ben Campbell
    - all other files seem to be GPL-3+, not just GPL-3

- [subjective] You don't seem to be shipping a menu entry.

- Your patch isn't enough to keep it from compiling with
and linking against the shipped version of Box2D:
    $ objdump -x /usr/games/numptyphysics | grep -i box2d

    And the build log confirms this. I have attached my version of the
patch, which I used for my ITP. AFAICT it solves this issue without

- [subjective] I don't believe the debian/clean files are really
necessary. (though it probably doesn't hurt either)

- [subjective] The dh_auto_configure override in debian/rules could
probably call dh_auto_configure instead of ./configure manually. Makes
it slightly more forward-compatible.

- [subjective] A watchfile would be nice. I also attached the one I was
working on for the original ITP. Not so thoroughly tested, but seems to

Aside from these remarks, the package seems OK, the manpage is a nice
touch, and I can't seem to replicate the segfaults I was having when I
attempted my ITP.
I'd still suggest co-maintaining it though, just cause I also devoted a
few hours to it myself, both packaging and playing! ;)



Leo "costela" Antunes
[insert a witty retort here]
Index: numptyphysics-svn/
--- numptyphysics-svn.orig/	2009-12-30 20:31:51.000000000 +0100
+++ numptyphysics-svn/	2009-12-30 20:32:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = numptyphysics
-noinst_LIBRARIES = libbox2d.a
-INCLUDES = -IBox2D/Include
 numptyphysicsdir = $(datadir)/numptyphysics
@@ -34,8 +32,8 @@
 	OsFreeDesktop.cpp \
-numptyphysics_LDADD = libbox2d.a $(SDL_LIBS) $(HILDON_LIBS)
+numptyphysics_LDADD = $(SDL_LIBS) $(HILDON_LIBS) $(BOX2D_LIBS)
 numptyphysics_DATA = \
 	data/C00_Title.npz \
@@ -58,36 +56,3 @@
-libbox2d_a_SOURCES = \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2Distance.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2TimeOfImpact.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2CollideCircle.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2CollidePoly.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/Shapes/b2PolygonShape.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/Shapes/b2CircleShape.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/Shapes/b2Shape.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2PairManager.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2Collision.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Collision/b2BroadPhase.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/b2WorldCallbacks.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2PrismaticJoint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2MouseJoint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2GearJoint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2Joint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2PulleyJoint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2DistanceJoint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Joints/b2RevoluteJoint.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Contacts/b2CircleContact.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Contacts/b2PolyAndCircleContact.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Contacts/b2Contact.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Contacts/b2PolyContact.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/Contacts/b2ContactSolver.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/b2Island.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/b2Body.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/b2ContactManager.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Dynamics/b2World.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Common/b2BlockAllocator.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Common/b2StackAllocator.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Common/b2Settings.cpp \
-	Box2D/Source/Common/b2Math.cpp
Index: numptyphysics-svn/
--- numptyphysics-svn.orig/	2009-12-30 20:31:51.000000000 +0100
+++ numptyphysics-svn/	2009-12-30 20:32:44.000000000 +0100
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(BOX2D, box2d >= 2.0.0)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(stdc++, main)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(X11, main)

opts=uversionmangle=s/^/0.2+svn/ \ \
 /plugins/.*revision=(\d+) \
 debian uupdate

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