Paul Wise wrote:
>> I don't think I'm seeing the issue here. Care to elaborate a bit more?
>> Isn't that the whole idea behind patching and running autoreconf in the
>> first place? If we wanted the changed files produced by autoreconf in
>> the debian.tar.gz we wouldn't need to run it, right? What am I missing?
> If you don't remove the files on clean, then after autoreconf they
> will be different from the ones in the orig.tar.gz. If you build the
> package multiple times, then dpkg-source (with format v3) will add a
> patch to debian/patches containing the diff of those files, for
> dpkg-source 1.0, the diff will be added to the diff.gz. The patches
> are ugly and a waste of space if you're running autoreconf before
> ./configure anyway.

Oh, damn, right, absolutely! You mean the other way around. Should have
thought of that... :)
Still, probably wouldn't cause build issues, but it sure is ugly!


Leo "costela" Antunes
[insert a witty retort here]

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