On Mon, 4 Oct 2010, Ben Finney wrote:

Asheesh Laroia <ashe...@asheesh.org> writes:

Since we agree on that general point, can you be the watchdog -- that
is, if we try removing pain points that are necessary or useful, can
you specifically identify them and remind us why they're worth

Thanks for the offer, but no. I think responsibility for that rests with
each of us: to reject the view that something uncomfortable is
necessarily bad, and to instead look for whether it is serving a useful

Sure -- I'll always try to, too.

I think that the point of your response is to make a general point and not to specifically urge any change in action, but I'm not quite sure. I just want to make sure I'm using your messages as you intend them.

Yes, I want only to ensure that the naive interpretation of “this is uncomfortable for newcomers” is examined more thoroughly before action is taken.

Got it. Yeah, I believe I examined it in this situation. Let's rush to give people pain through direct, actionable feedback to their packages rather than pain through silence. That's the idea. If you think it's not good then let me know and we'll see if some other plan is better.

-- Asheesh.

You may my glories and my state dispose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.
                -- William Shakespeare, "Richard II"

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