On Mon, 4 Oct 2010, Ben Finney wrote:

Asheesh Laroia <ashe...@asheesh.org> writes:

On Mon, 4 Oct 2010, Ben Finney wrote:

So when we identify a point of pain, I think it's essential to ask:
is this pain necessary to the learning process for this person?

Ben, I'm not sure what you're saying. It sounds like you're saying,
"The silent treatment is a useful way to teach people humility."

No, I wasn't speaking only of the lack of responses. (I disagree with
your characterisation of it as “the silent treatment”; that carries the
strong connotation that it is a deliberate punishment on the part of
people who actively choose not to reply to each message. That's not a
point I was making in earlier messages, though.)

The discussion has brought in mention of points of pain other than lack
of responses. I am cautioning against a naive and, in my view, incorrect
focus of finding and removing points of pain as though they are
universally bad.

Ben, I agree with you in general. Not all pain is bad. It is true that we should not go around willy-nilly, removing all pain points.

Since we agree on that general point, can you be the watchdog -- that is, if we try removing pain points that are necessary or useful, can you specifically identify them and remind us why they're worth keeping?

I think that the point of your response is to make a general point and not to specifically urge any change in action, but I'm not quite sure. I just want to make sure I'm using your messages as you intend them.


-- Asheesh.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

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