---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: Iker Salmón San Millán <sha...@esdebian.org>
Fecha: 1 de noviembre de 2010 13:35
Asunto: Re: RFS: wicd-client-kde
Para: Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <did...@raboud.com>

2010/11/1 Andreas Ronnquist <gus...@gusnan.se>

> On Mon, 1 Nov 2010 11:30:07 +0100
> Iker Salmón San Millán <sha...@esdebian.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am not a DD, so I have no possiblity to upload any package, and I am
> not familiar with KDE stuff - but anyway -
> Trying to build (pdebuild) this package I do get a warning for lacking
> cmake_minimum_required, which probably isn't too serious:
> ---- 8< ----
> CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
>  No cmake_minimum_required command is present.  A line of code such as
>    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
>  should be added at the top of the file.  The version specified may be
> lower if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project.
> For more information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".
> This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
> ---- 8< ----
I didn't specify the version because the version already aviable in
repositories is 2.8.2, because this package is for kde4 i tought i did not
need to do it, but you are rigth, i'll fix it

> What is worse, I get this too:
> ---- 8< ----
> CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:58 (MESSAGE):
>  ERROR: Could not find KDE4 kde4-config
> ---- 8< ----
> Have you forgotten som build-depends on some KDE development package?

You are rigth, i've made so many tries that in this last one i forgot to add
de dependencie, actually is kdebase-workspace-dev (this ones pulls up other
dependencies needed

> I am very far from an expert on packaging (I am also in the process of
> trying to get a package into Debian), but as I understand reviewing of
> others packages is encouraged.
> best regards
> --
> Andreas Rönnquist <gus...@gusnan.se>
> Thanks for the help

2010/11/1 Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <did...@raboud.com>

> Hi Iker, and thanks for packaging this software!
> Preliminary notice: I am not a DD, so I will not be able to upload your
> package. However, I think that my review can be of interest.
> > The package appears to be lintian clean.
> Maybe, but it doesn't build in a clean chroot: you miss at least
> kdelibs-bin
> (so using kdelibs5-dev as Build-Dependency would be good [and works]). Did
> you build it in a clean chroot (with pbuilder or sbuild e.g.) before
> uploading it to mentors.d.n ?
> Once I fixed that, I still had one lintian warning:
> already responsed that, i forgot to add kdebase-workspace-dev as build

> W: wicd-client-kde: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/wicd-client-kde
> which should really be fixed (see help2man for example).
> Terrible mistake, I tried man wicd-gtk to see how it was (the funcionality
is the same in both front-ends and i did not find de man page.  I forgot
that I uninstalled the gtk-client.  I just tough that if wicd-gtk didn't
have man page this one would'nt need one.
Silly me...

Anyway, working on that also

> Other things I noticed (randomly ordered)
> * Your debian/copyright is unusual as it doesn't quote the GPL license.
>  I tried to do the rigth way, i'll have to see more copyrigth files to see
what i've done bad.

* You have a debian/patches subdirectory that contains direct changes to the
> source: if you want to apply patches, you should really prepare real
> patches
> (quilt add; quilt edit; …).
Yup, in this case i guess is better to correct the spelling things before
dh_make.  I'll also contact with Anthony to fix that in upstream.

> * You are mis-using the Vcs-* fields in debian/control: those are not meant
> to point the the "upstream" VCS, but to the packaging VCS.
> Thanks, i did not notice that

> * This package would perfectly fit in the "KDE-Extras" team; did you
> consider putting it under this umbrella ?
> done

> * There is a typo in the description: "qt" should be "Qt". And if it is
> really a "KDE" client, it should be labelled as such.
* Your changelog contains two useless informations: the fact that it's your
> first package and the two spelling errors you are fixing (without proper
> patching, see above). For a first release, there is usually no need to
> explain what you have done (a matter of taste). So if you want to mention
> the spelling errors patch, you can, but you should mention that it is done
> through patching.
> thanks again

> * The packages ships the network-wireless-*.png icons, that are also in
> knm-
> runtime. So you would either need to conflict with knm-runtime or convince
> their maintainers to ship said icons in a separate package that you could
> use too. By the way, this shows that the icons are probably duplicated from
> knm-runtime and this sucks (code/data duplication is never good). By the
> way, the oxygen-icon-theme package ships network-wireless-connected-*.png
> icons which could be used instead. Furthermore, those icons are shipped in
> the orig tarball as *.png, which is certainly not the "preferred form of
> modification".
Ok, a think this is the thing that is going to give me more work.  I'll see
wich is the better way to fix it

> So far so good, you have already enough to do. :-) Looking forward for your
> fixed package !
> Cheers, OdyX

Thank you both for your review.  Working on int

Cheers,  Iker

P.S.  Sorry Odyx, i sent the mail to you instead of debian mentors.

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