Julian Wollrath <jwollr...@web.de> writes:

> I prepared a new version, which keeps the changes in the rules minimal but 
> since upstream changed the building process a little bit, minimal changes 
> were 
> needed to get it build. The massive changes of the copyright file were also 
> needed so that it would be machine readable according to the specifications 
> in 
> http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/.

This kind of change (changing the copyright file format) is not usually
acceptable in an NMU, unless cleared with the maintainer.  Although many
maintainers consider the use of the machine readable format to be a best
practice, it does not have the force of policy, and the absence of
machine readable formatting of debian/copyright is at most wishlist bug,
i.e. something that the submitter might like, but the maintainer might
or might not agree is an improvement.

Note that while it is not especially likely, it is possible to introduce
release critical bugs (violations of policy "must"s) by editing of
debian/copyright.  For more information, see section 12.5 of Debian

Pretty much the same thing holds for changing packaging formats from 1.0
to 3.0 (quilt), which you did not do here, but is a common beginner
mistake in NMUs.

Thanks for your efforts, and don't get too discouraged, more experienced
contributors make similar mistakes.


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