On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 16:58:45 +0200, Julian Wollrath wrote:

> since I offered Patrick Winnertz, the maintainer, to co-maintain about two 
> weeks ago and he was also CC'ed in parts of this thread but got no response 
> from him, I am hoping someone could sponsor my updates to the powertop 
> package, which can be found under http://rbw.goe.net/jw/. I tried to keep the 
> changes minimal, as it was discussed previous in this thread, while closing 
> nine bugs on the way.

This package is based on 1.97-2 and not on 1.97-2.1 which is
currently in the archive (seems the bug is closed but still the
changelog entry should be included). - Admittedly the NMU happened
after you prepared the 2.0-0.1 package :)

Other observations:
- dh9 is not mentioned in the changelog
- some other changes in d/control are also not mentioned
- debian/patches/fix_libnl_version.patch has no (DEP3) headers
- this patch is also not mentioned in the changelog
- why is there a manpage at debian/powertop.8 and also in
  I guess the patch is not really needed.
- no idea if "Multi-Arch: foreign" has any benefits?  

gregor, who'd like to see pwoertop 2 in wheezy
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