Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: important 

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "etw" which i intend to adopt.
While i was preparing a new version i discovered that the configuration
can't be saved permanently. This impairs strongly the overall usability
of the game.

The first part of the patch restores the ability to load the
configuration from $HOME/.etw and to save options permanently.

The second part deals in a similar manner with the replay function.
From now on replays can be saved in $HOME/.etw. Unfortunately the replay
function suffers from another bug which is limited to the game's arcade
mode though. The game will segfault reproducibly if you try to view a replay
which was recorded while playing in arcade mode.
Other modes are not affected.

Package name    : etw
Version         : 3.6+svn140-4
Upstream Author : Gabriele Greco <>
URL             :
License         : GPL-2+
Section         : games

It builds those binary packages:

etw   - arcade-style soccer game
etw-data   - graphics and audio data for etw

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

dget -x

Changes since the last upload:

* New Maintainer. (Closes: #544922)
* Eat the Whistle will be maintained in a Git repository from now
  on. Change the Vcs-fields in debian/control accordingly.
* debian/patches: 
  Add 0005-Change-conf-and-replay-path.patch.
  Save and load configuration and replays in $HOME/.etw/ instead of
  /usr/share/games/etw and stop failing silently. (Closes: #693244)


        Markus Koschany

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