Hi Prach,

On 11.03.2013 09:07, Prach Pongpanich wrote:
>> * Please consider upgrading to new style (dh >= 7) rules style. It makes
>> life easier to you and is more forward oriented. That said, your rules
>> file looks ok but you could ease life to all of us, including you.
>> * While you're at it, remove the boilerplate copyright messages in
>> debian/rules. They are not needed.
> Done

Nice thanks. By the way, it's up to you, but you may want to parse the
version from dpkg-changelog, i.e. instead of

VERSION = 1.2.8

do something like

VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | perl -ne 'print $$1 if

Note that get-orig-source targets are supposed to be called from an
arbitrary directory though. Thus be careful where you expect
debian/changelog for such jobs. I wrote a similar snippet recently, you
are welcomed to steal [1] if you'd like.

>> * Please consider using the copyright format formerly known as dep5 for
>> debian/copyright:
>> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
> Updated.

Thanks. But the license does not seem to match. Note that you seem to
have used the original Apache license, whereas MaxMind modified it to
match their corporate/product name in the no-advertising clause


 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
    nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
    permission of the Apache Software Foundation.

vs. mod_geoip.c:

 * 4. The names "MaxMind" and "GeoIP" must
 *    not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 *    software without prior written permission. For written
 *    permission, please contact supp...@maxmind.com.

Despite of them calling it "Apache 1.1 license" which is what may have
confused you.

While it's acceptable I discourage you use the same license for debian/
though. You're not MaxMind and thus there is no point to re-use the same
non-advertising clauses for your contributions.

> This repo is already in GitHub, I can''t access Alioth collab-maint.

Let's get this done later then. For now you can use GitHub as well.

>> By the way: If you want, we can do another upload to experimental for
>> Apache 2.2 with you as a maintainer set.
> OK, Thank you very much.

Do you want to do so? That would imply a package for unstable pushed to
version 1.2.8 with you as maintainer set. You can leave the remaining
bits as is, because it will work with the 2.2 version of the package and
is for a timely limited use.


with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
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