On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 08:55:26AM +0200, Paul Wise wrote:
> fontconfig is just a font discovery system, I don't think it will help
> doing font fallback. I may be wrong, please test the code with a random
> font name that doesn't exist on your system.

i've tried running without vera, and it safely falls back to

> In that case it would be best to generate the icon from the game at
> build timeby running it under xvfb-run and taking a screenshot.

the game does not have a mechanism for saving or loading games, adding
such a mechanism would be a big effort, and would mean adding a big blob
of data to the package just as well. besides, that would still not give
the original icon, but a way to recreate a similar one at best.

> Personally I think the #include mechanism they use to achieve their
> current one-gcc-command build is a bit ugly.

it is; but then again, it's a game of <10 source files, and the only
effect it has is an increased build time when only one cpp file was

best reards

There's always a bigger fish.
  -- Qui-Gon Jinn

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