Dear all,

one of my colleagues, Oscar (in the CC) recently got a software paper accepted that proposes a "Multivariate Bayesian Image Segmentation Tool" that can be used for Brain MR segmentation. Our plan is to package this for Debian, but we have a licensing problem:

The software makes use of the maxflow package

one version, 2.21 is GPL, but already for reasonable sized brain image data the code crashes, and the way the code is written there is no easy way to fix this, and hence, Oscar went with version 3.0, which works.

However, version 3.0 comes with a license attached that only allows use for research purposes and doesn't allow the redistribution of the source code.

Two questions:

* My first course of action would be to ask the authors of maxflow to relicense. I remember to have seen a nice example letter one of the Debian-med pages for doing just that, but right now I can't find it.
Anyone can point me to it?

Considering that the authors changed from a GPL license with 2.21 to a non-free license, I'm not very optimistic about them willing to change the license. Which means we have to look for the non-free option. Given that with the current license not even the source code is redistributable, how could this be done? Could we add pre-compiled static libraries of the libraries for supported architectures to the upload (we would probably restrict this to amd64 and i386)? This would make the package similar to the AMD and Nvidia drivers that ship binary blobs that get compiled into the final package.

Many thanks

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