Hi Eriberto,

I've rebuilt the package.

> 1. d/compat: change to 9.


> 2. d/control:
>     - Explain me why the package depends of writer and draw to work.

Has no sense to install the package without these two programs. I don't
know if I understand the question...

>     - Please, create a VCS to control your debian/ versions. You can
> use github or other. So, add the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-{Git|Svn|Cvs} to
> d/control.

I want to do this with all my packages, but now I have no time. I don't
practice with Git and will need some time for me to update.

>     - Why your package is extra? It conflicts with other? If not,
> please, change to 'optional'.


> 3. d/copyright: I didn't see any reference to Alain Hague here.
> Ok

> 4. d/watch: dmaths isn't versioned in its site. So, you haven't how o
> make a d/watch that works. Please, remove the content of the file and
> add a explanation about it.
> Ok

> 5. After the build, there are two wrong independent license files in
> the package:
> usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/licence.odt
> usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/license.txt
> You must add an override_dh_install to d/rules to remove these files ($
> man dh):
> override_dh_install:
>         dh_install
>         rm -f
> $(CURDIR)/debian/libreoffice-dmaths/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/licence.odt
>         rm -f
> $(CURDIR)/debian/libreoffice-dmaths/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/license.txt
The dmaths has a menu with an option to see the file
If it is deleted, an error occurs when accessing the file. I've added a
line to delete the file license.txt to repackage the sources
(see README.source)

> 6. Now, remove the 'extra-license' lines from Lintian override file.
OK. Only the line for DmathsAddon/Fichiers/license.txt

The package is updated on debian.mentors
 I hope that everything is correct!
Thank you very much for your help!

I. De Marchi

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