Hi Eribert,

> >> 2. d/control:
> >>     - Explain me why the package depends of writer and draw to work.
> >
> >
> > Has no sense to install the package without these two programs. I don't
> know
> > if I understand the question...
> You put in long description "It also allows you to use your favorite
> drawing software and include graphs of functions into a document". So,
> why install draw compulsorily as dependency? I am trying understand
> the package. If using writer, will you need of the draw?
Dmaths is work with Writer and Draw. It does not depend on the two, but
some of them must be installed.
Perhaps you could do depend on the LibreOffice metapackage.

> >>     - Please, create a VCS to control your debian/ versions. You can
> >> use github or other. So, add the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-{Git|Svn|Cvs} to
> >> d/control.
> >
> >
> > I want to do this with all my packages, but now I have no time. I don't
> > practice with Git and will need some time for me to update.
> You can use SVN or CVS (or GIT). Sorry but it is an essential
> condition for me. GitHub is simple and has several tutorials and
> videos on Internet.
Yes, I understand it, but at this moment I have no time to document to do
this. Perhaps I can do in a few months

> >> 5. After the build, there are two wrong independent license files in
> >> the package:
> >>
> >> usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/licence.odt
> >> usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/license.txt
> >>
> >> You must add an override_dh_install to d/rules to remove these files ($
> >> man dh):
> >>
> >> override_dh_install:
> >>         dh_install
> >>         rm -f
> >>
> $(CURDIR)/debian/libreoffice-dmaths/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/licence.odt
> >>         rm -f
> >>
> $(CURDIR)/debian/libreoffice-dmaths/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/DmathsAddon/Fichiers/license.txt
> >>
> >
> > The dmaths has a menu with an option to see the file
> > DmathsAddon/Fichiers/licence.odt
> > If it is deleted, an error occurs when accessing the file. I've added a
> line
> > to delete the file license.txt to repackage the sources
> > (see README.source)
> Ok. Please, add comments line in libreoffice-dmaths.lintian-overrides
> to explain each issue. I think you will need two lines.
Ok. I will add this comment:
#The licence.odt file is essential for dmaths: dmaths is broken without the
#Image files can not be installed in another directory: dmaths does not
support changes.

>I saw several Lintian messages in your last upload. A new Lintian was
>uploaded today to unstable. May it can help you too:
>http://eriberto.pro.br/blog/?p=1289 <http://eriberto.pro.br/blog/?p=1289>

Yes,  I had not updated the pbuilder environment. I have fully reviewed the

Today I updated the package:

 I hope that everything is correct!
Thank you very much for your help!

I. De Marchi

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