Hi Frederic

On 07/15/15 08:54, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:
> Hello Eugen
>> In order to run the tests in my package I first have to build them (they
>> are not built by the 'all' target). This requires a non-standard target
>> (build-tests) of the upstream Makefile to be invoked.
>> I have two solutions how I can deal with this:
>> 1.) I change to the build directory (the directory where the rules
>>     file invokes the upstream build system) and run 'make build-tests'
>>     from within rules.
>> 2.) Find a simple way how to call a custom target of the upstream
>>     build system from within 'rules'.
> Why not emulating the make check target[1]
> [1] http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeEmulateMakeCheck
> Then it should be easy to call make check during the build

  I was thinking about something like this but haven't read the article
yet. Great approach I will definitely go this way.
Anyhow, The two questions mentioned in my previous mail are still of
interest to me. Any ideas?


> Cheers
> Fred

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