
>Oops...Sorry for that...
>By mistake I introduced this bug into the wrapper script.
>Patch [1] fixes this bug. And it was fixed in the freshly uploaded
>mentor package.


>Please note that, the linuxbrew installer will pull a manpage of brew
>(as above /home/lumin/.linuxbrew/share/man/man1/brew.1)
>into ~/.linuxbrew/share/man/man1/brew.1

yes I got confused by this line
usr/share/man/man7/linuxbrew-wrapper.7.gz usr/share/man/man7/linuxbrew.7.gz

>And after you changed MANPATH ENV, man brew should work.>(export 

>And hence I provided no manpage for `brew` but only `linuxbrew`,
>and overrode the lintian missing-manpage /usr/bin/brew
>(/usr/bin/brew is symlink -> /usr/bin/linuxbrew),
>avoiding conflict with pulled brew manpage.

that is ok

>And this is another packaging bug, which is remained 
>when I changed package name from "linuxbrew" to 

yes :)

>I have wrote wrong path in linuxbrew-wrapper.install:
>debian/bin/linuxbrew   usr/bin/
>-install                usr/lib/linuxbrew/
>+install                usr/lib/linuxbrew-wrapper/

thanks for fixing

>Not being called is a BUG, and I've fixed it and tested it
>as said above.

I tested it too and it works :)
>That install script should be automatically invoked by wrapper script
>/usr/bin/linuxbrew. And letting users to manually run that script
>is not what I want, since that way is always available.
>Now the wrapper script BUG is fixed, and users the first time
>run brew will see the install process is automated.
>My local built latest package ships an `/usr/lib/linuxbrew-wrapper/install`
>with (0755/-rwxr-xr-x). I don't know what happend
>rendering your /usr/lib/linuxbrew-wrapper/install lost the read mode.

I was talking about "-x", not about "-r".
Since the linuxbrew wasn't calling it automatically I tried to call it manually.
But now that the bug is fixed there is no need anymore to use -x, so it is fine 

>I installed that file in linuxbrew-wrapper.install:
>install  usr/lib/linuxbrew-wrapper/
>Maybe I should add somthing into d/rules to make sure 
>that install script is installed with r mode?

not needed anymore, it was a bug, you fixed it, it is fine :D

>Additionally, the wrapper script /usr/bin/linuxbrew is designed to
>be able to accept a install script without r mode, and it runs
>ruby $INSTALL
>to do that install process.


>Invoke it in postinst is not proper, I believe.

sure, it isn't needed anymore now :)

>Thank you for attention to this package, and thank you
>for finding so many my mistakes. I've learnt a lot
>within this ITP process as it is my 3rd debian package.

We *both* learnt a lot ;)

>The latest uploaded package, should bring you better felling :-)

the feeling was good, Built&Signed&Uploaded to new queue!

thanks for your awesome contribution to Debian!

Now I have some final issues I would like to leave for a future upload:
1) I installed it and did a 

brew install cmake

it installed brew correctly, but I had to run it again to properly start
the cmake build.

Maybe in the first run it shouldn't forget about the action requested?
(not sure if a bug or a design feature)

2) you might want to add a README.source or a get-orig-source target
to explain where to grab the source code for it.

e.g. I can understand the script comes from
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew/go/install

but maybe making it under git revision, and adding a Debian pointer to it
will allow other folks to see if updates are available or not.

thanks again for packaging it and for following my boring nitpicks :)



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