>with that symlink, both

>  man $PACKAGE_NAME     i.e. man linuxbrew-wrapper
>  man $WRAPPER_NAME     i.e. man linuxbrew

sure, I just got confused between linuxbrew and brew :)

>Oops, that's a typo, in fact I mean the 'x' mode, not 'r'.
>After all how can the ruby interpreter interprets a ruby script
>ridiculously without 'r' mode ?

true :)

>However I see a new lintian warning saying script-without-x-mode
>at the new queue. It doesn't matter but I think I'd better get
>it fixed next time upload.

I guess it is because the script have the interpreter
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

maybe removing it will make lintian happy.
Why do you have an interpreter for a script that isn't intended
to be run directly, and has no x mode set?

seems legit :)

>Yes, the current wrapper script indeed drops the arguments
>passed to itself, when installing linuxbrew.
>(in fact pulling a git repo)
>They can be merged into 1 step with this patch:
>(merging them into 1 step may be better for those real first-time
>linuxbrew users)
>diff --git a/debian/bin/linuxbrew b/debian/bin/linuxbrew
>index 458307c..de0bbb3 100755
>--- a/debian/bin/linuxbrew
>+++ b/debian/bin/linuxbrew
>@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@ elif [ -d ${LINUXBREW_PREFIX} ]; then
>   false
>elif [ -x ${BREW_INSTALL} ]; then
>   first_time_hint
>-  exec ${BREW_INSTALL}
>+  exec ${BREW_EXEC} $@
>elif [ -r ${BREW_INSTALL} ]; then
>   if [ -x $(which ruby) ]; then
>     first_time_hint
>     ruby ${BREW_INSTALL}
>+    exec ${BREW_EXEC} $@
>   else
>     printf "E: found no ruby interpreter to run linuxbrew installer.\n"
>     false    

yes, something I had in mind too. Let me know if you want another upload
or you can take care of it, when (and if) the package will clear the new queue

> 2) you might want to add a README.source or a get-orig-source target
> to explain where to grab the source code for it.
> e.g. I can understand the script comes from
> curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew/go/install
> but maybe making it under git revision, and adding a Debian pointer to it
> will allow other folks to see if updates are available or not.

>The upstream install script is in linuxbrew.git branch: go
>It has no version number, and upstream suggest that we keep
>the data-based version number.
>I have considered Debian pointers like the `watch` file,
>however linuxbrew never releases,
>(It's in the style of rolling update in terms of all linuxbrew Formulas)
>So I just deleted watch file.
>In order to decide that if there is a newer version of install script
>available, there are 2 ways :
>* track on commits of linuxbrew.git branch 'go'
>  https://github.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew/commits/go
>   But I found no related function in manpage of uscan.
>* download that script and then diff,
>     if differs: new version is available
>     else: already updated.
>Since that install script in relatively stable 
>(not yet changed since Apr 24)
>I don't mind to manually update check and update it.
>However I think automate the process will be better
>for adopters. I'm about to add related things in d/rules
>next time upload.

mentioning the branch "go" is something already good, and having a 
target that wgets the file, does a diff and tells you if something has changed
would be awesome!



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