Hi Stefan,

>yes, the question actually is why one is liblastfm1 and the other 
>liblastfm5-1(I mean the -1, but it isn't a real problem I guess) 
>On Qt4 build the library so-name is liblastfm.so.1 and the package
>   scheme is: <NAME><Version> → liblastfm1
>For the Qt5 build the name is liblastfm5.so.1 and the scheme is now 
><NAME><QT-Suffix>-<Verstion> → liblastfm5-1
>I think this happens because the name ends with a number and so lintian wants 
>to have a seperator between name and version.
>Shell I change the package name to liblastfm-qt5-1 and ignore the
>   lintian warning?

nope, it is nice that way

I wasn't unsure about who changed the version scheme :)

>Oh cool, I'm using pbuilder-dist, too. To create packages easier for
>   different ubuntu and debian versions. I thought you know a better
>   solution than using pbuilder-dist + QEMU.

I use debomatic, but it is based on sbuild+qemu, so I don't have any better 
(well, I can use porterboxes as DD, but seems an overkill for a new package and 

time consuming)
>Ok, I've tested the build under arm64, armel, armhf, mipsel, mips.
>   And only a few optional symbols on liblastfm-fingerprint5-1.symbol
>   were obsolete. I've uploaded a new version to mentors.debian.net 


>Could you please build the package for me and check if the symbols
>   are ok, or not?

sure, I built for the last missing archs:

BTW I don't like stuff like this
sed -e '15,60d' -i README.md

because they make the package impossible to rebuild.

In order to make it easier to maintain I would suggest you:
dpkg-source --commit and extract as a patch
cp README.md debian
sed -e '15,60d' -i debian/README.md
and change

echo "debian/README.md" >> debian/clean

this way you can rebuild it.

I would prefer however a patch, in any case seems that you need to manually
check that file at each update, and with some magic sed you might even strip 
lines in a future upload.

let me know how do you feel about this last point and I'll do some final checks 
and hopefully

(the builds are going slow, I hope they wont crash or whatever)



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