On Monday 30 November 2015 18:33:22 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> All is well as long as i have no debian/patches. I can build
> and install the .deb files (debuild -S, debuild -b, dpkg -i).
> But if i make changes to the upstream files and run 
>   debclean
>   dpkg-source --commit
> then afterwards
>   debuild -S
> fails with
>   dpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are:

Hmm, you don't detail how you make a change to upstream files.

With quilt you should start from a unmofidied source, then:
- create the patch:
 quilt new my-brand-new-patch
- modify whatever you need with *quilt edit* (very important):
 quilt edit path/to/foo.c
 quilt edit path/to/bar.c 
- tell quilt to record the changes:
 quilt refresh
- put source back to original state (also quite important):
 quilt pop -a
- edit the patch header according to dep-3 (recommended). Either:
 *  cme edit dpkg-patch my-brand-new-patch 
 * use your favorite editor and run "cme check dpkg-patch my-brand-new-patch"

I don't remember if you need to commit debian/patches/* before running svn-
builldpackage. I'll let you try on your side.

Hope this helps


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