
As I mentioned there's a dependency loop in building f-el [1].  This is
a library that a lot of Emacs addons depend on.  If we could get this
into the archive we would have dash-el, s-el and f-el all in Debian and
future dependency resolution would be much easier.

The problem is that f-el's test suite depends on undercover.el [2], which
depends on shut-up.el [3], but shut-up.el's test suite depends on f.el.

So far as I understand it, there are four options.

1) Use the nocheck build profile to build and upload f-el without
   running its tests.  Then build and upload shut-up and undercover.
   Then build and upload a full version of f-el.

2) Use the nocheck build profile to build and upload shut-up without
   running its tests.  Then build and upload f-el and undercover.
   Then build and upload a full version of shut-up.

3) Disable running f-el's test suite at package build time, but supply a
   autopkgtest so the tests will still get run in ci.debian.org.

4) Disable running undercover.el's test suite at package build time, but supply 
   autopkgtest so the tests will still get run in ci.debian.org.

What would be best?  Options (3) and (4) avoid introducing a new
bootstrapping loop into the Debian archive.  But on the other hand maybe
such a bootstrapping loop is okay because all these packages are
architecture independent.



[1] https://github.com/rejeep/f.el
[2] https://github.com/sviridov/undercover.el
[3] https://github.com/cask/shut-up

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