Tiago Ilieve <tiago.my...@gmail.com> writes:

> - A lintian error "python-script-but-no-python-dep" is being shown for
> both binaries (symlinks in "/usr/bin"). The "${python:Depends}" in the
> binary package shouldn't be sufficient to fix this?

Not by itself. You need to run something that will actually use that
substitution variable.

By default you should be using Pybuild in new packages for Python code.
This will bring many benefits, including interpolate the substvars for

> - Is it right to declare "python-setuptools" as a build dependency, or
> this is supposed to be superseded by "dh-python" somehow?

Still needed. Build dependencies are not affected by Debhelper. If the
build depends on ‘foo’, use of Debhelper won't take away the need to
declare “Build-Depends: foo”.

> - The folder "/usr/share/pythonpy/pythonpy-0.4.4.egg-info/" should be
> part of the binary package or should it be stripped? If it has to be
> removed, how can I do this?

That directory is effectively auto-generated garbage for a Debian
package, it needs to be cleaned.

Use the ‘clean’ target to remove files you don't need. Debhelper's
‘dh_clean’ is useful here, see its man page.

 \       “The Vatican is not a state.… a state must have people. There |
  `\    are no Vaticanians.… No-one gets born in the Vatican except by |
_o__)        an unfortunate accident.” —Geoffrey Robertson, 2010-09-18 |
Ben Finney

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