Hi Gianfranco,

On 25 March 2016 at 16:21, Gianfranco Costamagna
<costamagnagianfra...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/pythonpy/0.4.4-1/lintian
> please dget it from there and start again :)
> I fixed a lot of issues, and many more are there now!

I really appreciate your effort in trying to package it yourself, but
you didn't solved the main problem, which is the

The "dh_auto_install" override is used to place it in
"/usr/share/pythonpy" which is the proper place for Python
*applications*[1]. Without it, it goes to the place where *libraries*
should be located.

The "remove_entry_points_scripts.patch" avoids the creation of
py{2,2.7} binaries that aren't needed. Without it and removing the
override for "dh_fixperms", the package becomes useless. There's no
way to call the "py" command, as its main script doesn't have
execution permissions.

Looks like it would be way easier to fix the entry point scripts to
created a binary named "py", avoiding just the other ones. We can also
ignore the override that changes the target folder, but doing this
feels wrong, is like we are ignoring the best practices for packaging
Python applications. That's why I'm wrecking my head with this issue,
removing every file that would be useless, instead of following the
easiest path.

About the lintian output:

* "unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright": this info doesn't appear
even when I run lintian with the same arguments on my machine. This is
strange, as I'm running "v2.5.42.1" from sid and debomatic-amd64.d.n
is using "v2.5.42.1~bpo8+1", which should be the same version. Do you
know how can I do this?
* "debian-watch-file-is-missing": this is right. I've asked[2]
upstream to tag every release on GitHub, so we can fetch information
about new versions from there.
* "application-in-library-section": fixed[3].
* "no-upstream-changelog": the upstream added a changelog file in the
last version (0.4.9, which I have packaged this afternoon), but it
doesn't comes with the tarball available in PyPI. This will be solved
when the releases are tagged and we grab them from GitHub.
* "package-installs-into-obsolete-dir": fixed using dh_bash-completion[4].

I've uploaded the last (0.4.9-1) package version to mentors.d.n[5].


[1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Python/Packaging#Example_2:_Python_application
[2]: https://github.com/Russell91/pythonpy/issues/76
[3]: https://github.com/myhro/deb-pythonpy/commit/0e2d987
[4]: https://github.com/myhro/deb-pythonpy/commit/954e424
[5]: http://mentors.debian.net/package/pythonpy

Tiago "Myhro" Ilieve
Blog: https://blog.myhro.info/
GitHub: https://github.com/myhro
LinkedIn: https://br.linkedin.com/in/myhro
Montes Claros - MG, Brasil

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