Hi all,

|--==> Ismael Valladolid Torres writes:

  IVT> Marco Ghirlanda escribe:
  >>1) a default Linux installation is less snappy (responsive) than a fresh
  >>Windows install (in example using the same software like Audacity)

  IVT> As far as both default installations have no software and in Debian
  IVT> all software is just an apt-get away, I admit I don't understand your
  IVT> point.

I believe that here Marco means "if you install windows from scratch
and you compare to debian, installed from scratch, then windows is
more responsive".

If my interpretation is correct, my question is, Marco according to
your experience is the installation of a multimedia/desktop kernel on
a plain Debian (or Linux) distribution enough to fill the
responsiveness gap?

  >>1) Include in Debian a Multimedia/Desktop Kernel
  IVT> I agree it should also be available an apt-get away nevertheless.

This is actually not that straight. I've tried to that myself about
one year ago, and the feedback from the debian-kernel folks was really
positive, but also clear in the "guarantees" that the possible
multimedia kernel maintainer should offer. I was basically said that
if I wanted a multimedia flavour to be added, I also had to be
available to provide support for the security updates, both in stable
and in testing. This request is pretty reasonable to me, but also
quite demanding, and I'm not sure if we, as Debian Multimedia Team,
have the forces to keep with such a task.

  >>2) Make Jackd usable out of the box or after the installation of a
  >>"normal" package

  IVT> I find it usable out of the box...

I agree with what Daniel said, the focus of general purpose
distribution is different, but I also agree that we can do much



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