Related comments from the Outreachy mentors list:

On 02/19/2018 03:39 PM, Outreachy Organizers wrote:
> Other mentors who have applicants contacting them privately -
> Please also note that if (and only if) you add your chat/IRC/forum
> nickname to your mentor information, applicants will see the following
> paragraph:
> "Please try to contact the mentor on public community channels as much
> as possible. Often other mentors for the project can answer your
> question or point you in the right direction to get help. They may be
> able to answer your question faster than emailing your mentor directly.
> While it's fine to contact mentors privately with doubts, Outreachy
> applicants and interns will need to learn how to ask questions and work
> publicly through the community communication channels."
> You can add a nick by going to:
> Hi,
> Thanks for letting me know about the standard text on the project
> details view encouraging applicants to contact mentors privately. I've
> committed a few fixes here:
> It seems like that sentence is only displayed when the project hasn't
> listed a newcomer-friendly tag in their issue tracker. I've changed it
> to not display if the project has contribution information supplied.
> Second, there's a sentence that only appears if the project
> mentors haven't provided the project repositories:
> "Applicants will need to contact project mentors to get information
> about the project repositories"
> I've changed that sentence the project repositories to suggest one might
> exist for the project, but wasn't provided. No mention of contacting a
> mentor.
> Third, there was a sentence unconditionally displayed under all mentor
> contact information: "Please contact the mentors for this internship
> project to get information on how you can make a contribution during the
> application process. Only applicants who make a contribution will be
> accepted as interns." I've removed that.
> Finally, if applicants don't realize the project title is an accordian
> menu that can be expanded, they may be emailing the coordinators when
> they see this paragraph:
> "Each project will have one or more mentors. Outreachy applicants work
> one-on-one with mentors to complete contributions to the project during
> the application process. Only applicants who make a contribution to a
> project will be eligible to be selected for an internship. Interns then
> work directly with the mentors on their project during the three month
> internship period."
> I don't know how to make it more obvious what the project titles are
> accordians that can be expanded when clicked. Leaving the projects
> expanded will cause issues if Mozilla ends up listing 15 projects, and I
> don't want to deepen the hierarchy by adding separate project pages.
> If you have suggestions on how to fix this (especially any CSS magic!)
> let me know.
> Thanks for the bug report, and I hope these changes help you a bit!
> Sage Sharp
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 02:01:50PM -0500, wrote:
>> We are getting a deluge of "please help me find a mentor"
>> emails, and I think I figured out why:
>> "Applicants will need to contact project mentors to get information
>> about the project repositories. The project uses an issue tracker to
>> keep information about bugs to fix, project features to implement,
>> documentation to write, and more. Applicants will need to contact a
>> mentor to find out how they can make their first contributions to the
>> project."
>> Yet two paragraphs below that, we list the information about how to
>> make a contribution.
>> Could we modify that paragraph to indicate that the applicants should
>> use the information provided to begin making contributions?
>> Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> Mentors mailing list

On 02/20/2018 12:11 AM, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:13 PM, Aman Pratap Singh
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     I am Aman Pratap Singh, a CSE major at Indian Institute of
>     Technology Bhubaneswar. I am writing this with regard to Debian
>     organization's project idea for Google Summer of Code titled
>     /Firefox and Thunderbird plugins for free software habits/. I am
>     interested in working on this project.
>     I request to please brief me with steps to getting started.
>     Sincerely,
>     Aman Pratap Singh
> It seems to me kind of spamming if all the students post to
> debian-outreach and ask for help.
> This is why each project has its own mentors. Otherwise it is just
> stealing valuable time from everyone.
> Maybe I am wrong, but I think that students should not be allowed to ask
> for help on debian-outreach.
> They should contact the mentors instead.
> Dashamir 

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