>>"Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Marcus> Are you sure you wanted to say "multiple versions of a
 Marcus> package in the same distribution"? In my opinion, "one
 Marcus> version of a package in multiple distributions" fits better
 Marcus> in the context. 

 Marcus> If the latter is meant, I concur.

        Hmm. I guess I did mean the latter. With age, the wiring in my
 brain is certainly getting stranger. 

 >> There is not technical reason
 >> for not building uploads to stable unstable twice in buildd either. 

 Marcus> I think this is not true. What is meant by this? It means
 Marcus> building the same package twice, with the same version
 Marcus> number, but the source  (debian/changelog) modified to read
 Marcus> "stable" and "unstable" each once. 

        Umm. No. If I have two buildd's, one for unstable, and one for
 stable. When a package comes in for unstable, it goes to the unstable
 buildd, and vice versa. When a package comes in for both, it is sent
 to both buildd's, and the packlage built by the unstable buildd goes
 into incoming normally, and the other one is hand installed by an
 admin into proposed updates or something. 

 Marcus> Modifying the source is evil. Autobuilders should not do
 Marcus> this.

        I was not proposing modification of the source, no. 

 Marcus> Having two different packages with the same version number is
 Marcus> evil, too. The package pool won't be able to cope for good
 Marcus> reasons. 

        The stable package need not go into the package pool. Am I
 mistaken in assuming that proposed updates packages are not in the
 package pool? If I am mistaken, please scratch this part of my

 Marcus> I think one of the requirements for uploading to "stable
 Marcus> unstable" should be that the package can be build on either
 Marcus> and will run fine on both, so autobuilders are relieved from
 Marcus> making a decision. I could agree with setting in stone a
 Marcus> variation like: "the package must be build on stable and will
 Marcus> run fine on both" (or build on unstable and run on both). 

        The latter is less likely than the former, since libraries are
 rarely forward compatible across releases. 

 Marcus> But unless I am very mistaken, we must have one such rule for
 Marcus> autobuilders and maintainers to follow.

        I would not disagree.

 Do you know Montana?
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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