So here is another update of the draft.

I decided to add a section called "Mobile devices" for tools that allow interfacing with mobile phones, PDA's, portable audio players etc. I do not have much experience with such tools, but it seems a good idea as I noticed that most of them are either in "Tools" or, even worse, in some other location not approved by policy. Thank you Frank for bringing this up.

Also reorganized "Technical" and "Electronics" into...

 Apps/Technical/Other response to message by Jim Van Zandt.

Still not sure about what to do with photo management software (annotation, tagging, constructing thumbnails, exporting HTML album pages, etc.), as questioned by Jim Van Zandt. I replied that I would probably put them into "Data management" or "Graphics" but I am not so sure anymore.

This gave me another idea. It might be possible to merge "Viewers" and "Graphics" like this...


...and move non-graphics viewers to other sections (evince to "Office" f.e.). There are some problematic packages though, so not sure this is a 100% good idea.

I am also thinking about a new section for television related tools.

I renamed some sections to be more user friendly and more consistent with the entire menu (Net -> Network, Science -> Scientific etc.), and am thinking about changing name of "Admin" to either "Administration" or "Configuration".

"Apps" itself is also a bit weird title. Renaming this top level section could not only make menu more readable, but would also allow for smooth transition of menu entries to a new location.

A word about why the draft "Only cover Apps". This is because "Games/Arcade" is also a bit overused, so I would like to make some changes there too. Not top priority, but still.

By the way, what is the preferred format for section names?

 Section name contains spaces
 Section Name Contains Spaces

I am not sure I will have enough time to work on this for the next couple of weeks, but feedback and ideas are always welcome.


Draft 0.4 [2005-12-21] (Only covers Apps)

 + Apps
 | - Admin
 | - Data management
 | - Editors
 | - Education
 | - Emulators
 | - File management
 | - Graphics
 | - Hamradio
 | - Mathematical
 | - Miscellaneous
 | - Mobile devices
 | + Network
 | | - Chat
 | | - File transfer
 | | - Mail
 | | - Monitoring
 | | - News
 | | - Other
 | | - Web browsing
 | - Office
 | - Programming
 | - Scientific
 | - Shells
 | - Sound
 | - System
 | + Technical
 | | - Electronics
 | | - Engineering
 | | - Other
 | - Text
 | - Viewers
 | - Video
 | - Webmaster
 + Games
 | - Adventure
 | - Arcade
 | - Board  
 | - Card   
 | - Puzzles      
 | - Simulation      
 | - Sports       
 | - Strategy      
 | - Tetris-like      
 | - Toys
 - Help
 + Screen
 | - Lock
 | - Root-window
 | - Save
 + WindowManagers
 | - Modules
 - XShells

Apps (normal applications):

Section:        Apps/Admin [RENAME TO Configuration FOR CLARITY?]
Description:    Administrative and system configuration utilities, also tools 
for personal user settings.
Example apps:   aptitude, configure-debian, sysv-rc-conf

Section:        Apps/Data management
Description:    Interactive database programs, collection managers, 
bibliography tools etc.
Example apps:   gaby, alexandria, mdbtools

Section:        Apps/Editors
Description:    Editors, other than office word processors, for text based 
Example apps:   ksubtile, nano, hexedit

Section:        Apps/Education
Description:    Educational and training software.
Example apps:   gtypist, gcompris, quiz

Section:        Apps/Emulators
Description:    Software that allows you to run non-native software or more 
than one OS at a time.
Example apps:   wine, dosemu, qemu

Section:        Apps/File management
Description:    Tools for file management, archiving, searching and CD/DVD 
Example apps:   file-roller, mc, baobab

Section:        Apps/Graphics
Description:    2D and 3D graphics manipulation software.
Example apps:   gimp, inkscape, imagemagick

Section         Apps/Hamradio
Description:    Anything relating to ham radio.
Example apps:   baken, hamsoft, twlog

Section:        Apps/Mathematical
Description:    Mathematics related software.
Example apps:   gcalctool, snapea, xeukleides

Section:        Apps/Miscellaneous
Description:    Simple apps that don't fit elsewhere. Usage of this section is 

Section:        Apps/Mobile devices
Description:    Software that allows you to interface with mobile devices 
(phones, PDA's etc.).
Example apps:   kandy, gnokii, gnome-pilot

Section:        Apps/Network
Description:    Network related software. This is three level menu, do not put 
entries in second (this) level.

Section:        Apps/Network/Chat
Description:    Chat, instant messaging, IP telephony, video conferencing 
Example apps:   xchat, gaim, gnomemeeting

Section:        Apps/Network/File transfer
Description:    File transfer software such as download managers, FTP clients, 
P2P clients.
Example apps:   amule, gftp, d4x

Section:        Apps/Network/Mail
Description:    Mail and Usenet readers, mail notification applets etc.
Example apps:   mutt, mozilla-thunderbird, tin

Section:        Apps/Network/Monitoring
Description:    Network monitoring software.
Example apps:   gip, ettercap, iptstate

Section:        Apps/Network/News
Description:    Newsfeed readers.
Example apps:   [FILL ME], yarssr, liferea

Section:        Apps/Network/Other
Description:    Network related software that does not fit elsewhere. Usage of 
this section is dicouraged.

Section:        Apps/Network/Web browsing
Description:    Web browsers, tools for offline browsing.
Example apps:   elinks, epiphany-browser, webhttrack

Section:        Apps/Office
Description:    Office suites, address books, CRM, ERP, financial sofware, 
timetable managers, group task trackers etc.
Example apps:, tinyerp-client, tutos2

Section:        Apps/Programming
Description:    IDEs, debuggers, etc.
Example apps:   anjuta, gdb, eclipse

Section:        Apps/Scientific
Description:    Programs for science, natural and other.
Example apps:   ncbi-epcr, earth3d, therion

Section:        Apps/Shells
Description:    Various shells.
Example apps:   bash, ksh, zsh

Section:        Apps/Sound
Description:    Sound players, editors and rippers.
Example apps:   beep-media-player, grip, audacity

Section:        Apps/System
Description:    System information and monitoring, cryptographic and privacy 
related software, antiviruses, backup tools.
Example apps:   top, avscan, gpgkeys

Section:        Apps/Technical
Description:    Engineering related software. This is three level menu, do not 
put entries in second (this) level.

Section:        Apps/Technical/Electronics
Description:    Circuit design tools, simulators and assemblers for 
microprocessors etc.
Example apps:   geda, gnucap, tkgate

Section:        Apps/Technical/Engineering
Description:    CAD tools and other technical software not directly related to 
Example apps:   gpsman, qcad, pythoncad

Section:        Apps/Technical/Other
Description:    Technical software that does not fit elsewhere. Usage of this 
section is dicouraged.

Section:        Apps/Text
Description:    Text oriented tools like dictionaries, translation and text 
analysis software etc.
Example apps:   kdrill, stardict, turkey

Section:        Apps/Viewers [MERGE WITH Graphics?]
Description:    Software for viewing images, documents and other (not video) 
Example apps:   gqview, evince, gthumb

Section:        Apps/Video
Description:    Video players, editors and rippers.
Example apps:   xine, totem, kino

Section:        Apps/Webmaster
Description:    Software for web site editing, web programming and site 
Example apps:   bluefish, screem, gphpedit

Document history:
Draft 0.3 [2005-12-13] (Only covers Apps)
Draft 0.2 [2005-12-10] (Only covers Apps)
Draft 0.1 [2005-12-08] (Only covers Apps)

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