Linas Zvirblis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is what we have so far.
> Draft 0.3 [2005-12-13] (Only covers Apps)
> Section:      Apps/Databases
> Description:  Interactive database programs, including collection managers, 
> bibliography tools etc.
> Example apps: gaby, alexandria, mdbtools
> Section:      Apps/Misc [WAS TOOLS]
> Description:  Simple apps that don't fit elsewhere. Usage of this section is 
> dicouraged.
> Section:      Apps/Office
> Description:  Office suites, address books, CRM, financial sofware etc.
> Example apps:, koffice, gnome-office

Where would timetable managers (KOrganizer...), group task trackers,
etc. be sorted, both one-person-standalone, group-wise-networked, and
connect-me-to-my-palm, or allinone? 

I guess dictionaries, thesauri etc. are best in databases, but maybe the
name should somehow give a hint to that; to me "databases" sounds much
like mysql, M$Access and all that stuff I never use and know nothing
about, and I think we would serve our users to give the section a more
"end user" friendly name.  What about "data management"?

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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