Le mardi, 13 octobre 2015, 08.55:07 Wouter Verhelst a écrit :
> But _forbidding_ maintainers who want to from shipping a second file,
> if that somehow makes the experience of menu users better than what
> the fdo menu would have given them? Sorry, but that seems petty and
> silly.

For context, the exact phrasing of the TC decision is "packages 
providing a .desktop file shall not also provide a menu file for the 
same application."

This translates to "this situation constitutes a bug", but doesn't 
specify an explicit patch for the Debian Policy (aka doesn't explicitly 
lay down the severity of the bug). I'd argue that in the absence of a 
new Debian Policy version incorporating the TC decision, such situations 
would be 'serious' bugs. Can we work towards ironing an adequate 

> I don't think I'll encounter the issue, seen as none of my packages
> ship any menu entry, let alone a .desktop file, today. But yeah, it's
> something I think I'll blatantly ignore if/when the time comes.

Threatening to "blatantly ignore" the Debian Policy isn't terribly 


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