On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 07:56:03AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Wouter" == Wouter Verhelst <wou...@debian.org> writes:
>     Wouter> So, I'm with Guillem on this one.
>     Wouter> But _forbidding_ maintainers who want to from shipping a
>     Wouter> second file, if that somehow makes the experience of menu
>     Wouter> users better than what the fdo menu would have given them?
>     Wouter> Sorry, but that seems petty and silly.
> OK.
> Then why don't you build consensus behind a patch to do that?
> The TC's decision can be changed by the normal policy process.
> If you can get people to agree with a proposal that permits both
> ..desktop and .menu files then you can replace the TC decision.

Per ยง4.1.4, Only through a 2:1 supermajority GR. Alternatively, it could
also by replaced by the TC voting a second time on the subject, changing
or clarifying its original decision (an outcome I would favour, but hey,
I'm not a member of the TC).

> For myself, I think that forcing a transition to .desktop will create a
> longer Debian long-term.

[assuming you meant 'better' rather than 'longer']

Yes, I agree with that, and I support that goal. By stating that the
absense of a .desktop file for a graphical program should be considered
a bug, and that the absense of support for the fdo menu in a window
manager should be considered a bug as well, you would have forced such a
transition, and that would/should have been enough.

In contrast, the current TC decision goes one step further, and I think
it goes a bridge too far.

> I believe that the TC's approach provides a useful push for that in
> this situation.  I realize that it is a fairly forceful approach and
> it's not something that Debian does often.

Exactly, and that is one of the major reasons why I think it's a bad

(for reference: I'm not angry here, just critical and sceptical)



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