Пт 16 ноя 2018 @ 20:07 Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>:

> Control: tags -1 + pending
> Lev Lamberov <dogs...@debian.org> wrote:
>> Вс 04 ноя 2018 @ 12:00 Holger Wansing <li...@wansing-online.de>:
>> > Proposal: maybe the easiest way to make all variants (view via debian.org
>> > and opened locally) work correctly, would be to change it this way:
>> >
>> > "This page is also available in
>> > <ulink url="https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#devref";>French, 
>> > German, 
>> > Italian, Russian, and Japanese</ulink>."
>> >
>> > since the links on that page are fine and can be linked from everywhere
>> > with one single static link.
>> > Of course, there are still some corner cases which do not work (for 
>> > example, 
>> > when you have the packages installed locally, you cannot switch from the 
>> > local english to the local german version via that links, and when you
>> > have no internet connection, you also get an irritating situation), but 
>> > most 
>> > usecases should be fine, and it would be an improvement compared to the 
>> > current situation, where all links do not work!
>> >
>> > Would fix #690750 and #912724.
>> >
>> > Comments?
>> In case one take a look into other documentation (togather with its
>> translation), one will not find any such notes and links to
>> translations. Maybe there's no need in such note in "Debian Developer's
>> Reference"? Or at least no need in explicit links? What about to remove
>> it completely or change text to something like "This documentation is
>> also available in some other languages"?
> I have committed this now like this, while 'some  other languages' is a link
> to https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#devref

Thanks, Holger! Looks like this is the best option for now. Maybe better
variant will come later.


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