On Mon, Jan 08, Borut Mrak wrote:

> The kernel from the current boot-floppies (current = what's in woody) would
> load, the last message that was printed was something about reading the
> OpenFirmware tree...
> I also tried the kernel from
> ftp.linuxppc.org/linuxppc-haloween/software/kernel-chrp-2.2.18-4h.ppc.rpm
> There is no way I could find to use any of the kernels to use root.bin
> from Debian so I could install it.
> Is boot floppy:,zimage load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=8192 prompt_ramdisk=1 debug
> ok?

The 2.2 tree is broken for CHRP based machines.
Try 2.4.0ac1, that should work.

I have that kernel running since a while and its very stable.

Gruss Olaf

 $ man clone

       Main feature not yet implemented...

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