On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:06:25AM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> I have been able to succesfully install debian on my B50 just by using
> the yellowdog kernel image (look for the link on www.yellowdoglinux.com)

Would that be the kernel(s) from

I cannot access that site at the moment.

> to load the debian ramdisk image, then everything is fine.
> I'm currently using the stable_2_4 bitkeeper tree from IBM, look for it
> on their PPC page.
> You can boot the YDL kernel by copying it on a FAT floppy and typing:
> boot floppy:,zimage load_ramdisk=1

Yes, I understand that.

Someone else suggested the suse kernels

When I try to boot that kernel I get this:

0 > boot floppy:,zimage load_ramdisk=1 unrecognized Client Program formatstate 
not valid
0 >

Machine tried to load the kernel from the floppy (it takes some time), but
it seems it can't run it. (And yes, the filename is right. I shortened it
for the floppy :-)

$ file zImage.chrp-2.4.0-test12-0
zImage.chrp-2.4.0-test12-0: executable (RISC System/6000 V3.1) or obj module 
not stripped

I also tried another floppy, same result.

>  >I also tried netbooting the machine, but I don't know what to feed it.
> The same kernel image should work.
> I'm not sure if the ramdisk image needs to be prepared, try appending it
> to the kernel.

OK, experimenting with this...much faster^Weasier than floppies ;-]

the 2.4.0 image (suse) fails just the same way as from floppies.

Ditto for all images. Now I can transcript hwo the kernels die:

... ok
copying OF device tree...done
Initing fake screen

That is 2.2.18 from suse (same ftp), i think. It's been a lot of different
kernels in last 12 hours.

All the kernels I've tried so far die at this stage, except one 2.2.14 from

> No. You can actually install debian over another distribution, but this
> is not for the faint of heart.

Hmm..do I look like one? I'll probably try that.

> (Let me know if you need serial console and I'll send you a kernel.)

Yes, please send me one of your working kernels. If you have bandwidth to
spare, send me more of those ;-] I'll send you my direct address privately.

This machine has a video card, but I have another that is headless.


Sometimes I think that if there were a third sex, men
wouldn't get so much as a glance from me.

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