On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 12:11:18PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Damien GUIHAL wrote:
> > Is anyone know if there is a tool with or without GUI to
> > compress/uncompress .sit files.
> A quick search on package content for stable at
> http://packages.debian.org/ confirms what I believe I have once used with
> success: a tiny tool called unsit in the macutils package.
> Beware, that it probably doesn't handle newer sit files from StuffIt 5.x
> and up (the ones with a red dot on the icon on a Mac), only "plain old"
> ones...

worse then that it doesn't even handle stuffit 4 archives, only the
anchient never used 1.5.1.  actually looking at the package list i
don't think it even includes that.  

.sit is even more proprietary then MS Word .doc.  

> You might also find megatron from the netatalk package useful for
> de-hqx'ing and converting to and from MacBinary...

macbinary != .sit niether is binhex/hqx.  

.sit is about the same as encrypting your files to an aladdin
encryption key and putting yourself at thier mercy.  

Open Standards or die.  

Ethan Benson

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