On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:02:48AM -0300, Peter Cordes wrote:
>  Agreed!  They should use macbinary, or gzipped macbinary (since most people
> have an extractor capable of handling gzip).

there is only two files for bootx that even require macbinary, the
extention and the application.  documentation files, readmes need not
have any mac filetypes preserved, they are just text and macos
defaults to text file types. 

if i get around to messing with MOL i am going to make a bootx.tar.gz
containing only two .bin files, bootx.bin and bootxinit.bin.  the rest
of the files need not be macbinary.  

>  Umm, just use tar + bzip2 on Unix, macbinary + bzip2 on MacOS.  BeOS must
> have some archive format that saves anything they have in addition to posix
> file types, I wouldn't know since I don't use BeOS.  Assuming there is a way
> to create an archive that saves everything needing saving, without any other
> compression, on BeOS, just bzip2 that.

indeed the need for preserving this HFS filesystem garbage has passed,
MacOSX is able to install on UFS so this fork/filetype crap is going
to go away (apple has already deprecated types and creators in favor
of flat files and file extensions/magic).  OSX i think uses a
.AppleDouble style kludge to still be able to store non-flat files for
the moment, but regular unix tar will handle them fine as they are
also just flat files.

but even for ordinary MacOS macbinary + tar work quite well.  there is
even a public domain macbinary program that can create macbinary
directorys (the same way as tar can archive directories) the problem
with this is stuffit refuses to aknowledge that extension even though
its been around for years.  

Ethan Benson

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