Am Freitag, 27. April 2001 15:33 schrieb Samuel Rydh:
> >> Now I have it and I'm very impressed. Mol seems to be really fast and
> >> stable but what is bothering me is, that I have to start it as root. In
> >> an earlier version I could load the kernel modules in an init scrips and
> >> was then able
> >
> > to start mol as regular user.
> >
> >I found that loading 'molsymglue2' then 'mol', after copying the modules
> >into /lib/modules/<kernel ver>/misc, made it so that I could once again
> >run MoL as non-root. I would suggest starting it once as root, then
> >looking at the module load order and adding entries to /etc/modules to
> >reload them in that same order.
> The startmol script has a --loadonly option which does the trick
> for you. Just add
>       startmol --loadonly
> to the rc.local file.

I'm sorry but my mol does not have this option:


schw-zimmer8:/home/fabian# startmol --loadonly
  Mac-on-Linux 0.9.57 <>
  (C) 1997-2001 Samuel Rydh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
option '--loadonly' not recognized
option '--loadonly' not recognized
Version 0.9.57
Resource file: /etc/molrc
option '--loadonly' not recognized


nor does mol start as user, even when I started mol first as root and the 
modules are loaded. I always get the message that mol must be run as root. 
Some sort of initscript that loads the required modules at boottime would be 

mfg Fabian

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