On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 02:47:20PM -0700, Tovar wrote:
>     this isn't foolproof since MacOS does allow the user to move or rename
>     the System\ Folder to whatever/wherever the hell they feel like it,
>     though i have known very few who actually do that.  
> Yes, indeed, beware of that.  I've been naming my System Folder's with 
> its version number back from MacPlus days and i would expect others to
> do likewise.  There is an approved way of finding the 'blessed folder',
> but i'd have to dig through old Tech Notes to find it.  On the other
> hand, if you're going have installation dialogs anyway, you might put
> your best guess in the dialog and let the user help you find it.  I
> zhink The 'busybox' does something like that and i found that helpful 
> in the initial install (since it was getting things out of the 'System
> Folder' with BootX).

the blessed directory id (something akin to an inode i guess) is
stored in the HFS master directory block, however i don't think
hfsutils has any support for such things, other then marking
directories as blessed.  

probably a debconf dialog asking for a device and path is the most
straightforward, providing sane defaults.  (perhaps grep through
mac-fdisk -l /dev/hda output to find HFS partitions). 

Ethan Benson

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