On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 11:58:44AM +0200, Andreas Wüst wrote:
> Hi
> > i have an idea on this... how about a small Mac OS application that you
> > could d/l and run and it would read the gestalt id and report weather the
> > machine will run and what dist minimum to use (i.e Beige G3 would report
> > something like 'This machine would need bootx to startup and Dist 2.2r2 or
> > newer') this would probly make it easier for people new to linux to decide
> > wheather they a) want to try linux and b) a starting point as to what dist
> > to try....
> This would of course be a fine tool, though I am wondering why not to just put
> an up-to-date model list up to
> http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/inst/install.en.html in a first step.
> This list looks extremly outdated to me (no to talk about the 'tested'
> column).

because that comes from boot-floppies, and boot-floppies are updated
very rarly.

thats from potato boot-floppies even, which are only given absolutly
essential bug fixes for the exceedingly rare updates.

Ethan Benson

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