>> Please remember e.g. the mail of Joseph Fannin ("gcc in woody?") who asked:
>>    Um, is it just me, or is there no compiler in woody?
>>    Until I found this list, I was beginning to think the powerpc port was
>> no longer maintained. It sounds like people are running woody, tho....
>>    What about sid? I assume it's somewhere too? Am I wrong in assuming
>> that if it's not on ftp.debian.org it's not on any mirrors either? The two
>> distribs seem to be missing *lots* of packages, not just gcc.
> And what does that have to do with this thread? :)
> He was trying to be clever and looked for the packages directly in the
> archive, the structure of which has changed. On the main debian.org page
> there is a link to http://packages.debian.org which is much more useful
> for that kind of information.

Because of

>>    Until I found this list, I was beginning to think the powerpc port was
>> no longer maintained. It sounds like people are running woody, tho....

I assumed that he also has been looking at the debian port pages, where he saw
an outdated model list, and so got to think that the port is no longer
maintained. That's all.

But if no one want's such a thing then tell me and I will have more time to do
my analysis et al. study.

Best regards,

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