On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 11:47:18AM +0200, Vinai Kopp wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 10:51:39PM -0500, Michael Heironimus wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 11:52:46PM +0200, Vinai Kopp wrote:
> > > I finally got the console to work using the "video=ofonly" kernel
> > > arguments.
> > > But what do they mean? I tried to figure it out looking at the fb/*
> > > sources, but they are a bit beyond my humble capabilities. Can it be
> > > explained to someone as ignorant as me?
> > 
> > I'm not a real expert either, but my understanding is that the ofonly
> > driver accesses the video in a generic Open Firmware manner, which gives
> > you no acceleration or other features but will work on pretty much any
> > OF Mac. Since it doesn't use any hardware-specific driver, you can use
> > it when your internal video is unsupported or when the drivers (or
> > hardware) is buggy, but you sacrifice any hardware-dependent features at
> > the same time. You also can't change resolutions on the fly, you're
> > limited to whatever OF thinks your video is set to (usually whatever it
> > was in the last time you booted to Mac OS).
> Thanks for the awnser. That is about what I guessed it would be. :)
> Now, would it be possible to specify this:
>    video=imsttfb:vmode:?,cmode:24
> And what vmode would/could I specify?
> I am guessing this on what I read in the bootpromt howto and in
> imsttfb.c, but I could likely be dreadfully wrong. Any pointers in the
> right directions are very appreciated!

This is the 9600, right? According to macframebuffer.html which I
downloaded from somewhere, that should be and ATI Mach64 (you could
verify with cat /proc/pci). So then you should be using atyfb, not 


        video=xxxxx:vmode:vv,cmode:cc r

where xxxxx should be replaced with something appropriate for the frame buffer
of your video card or built-in video chipset, vv and cc should be replaced with
a vmode and cmode, respectively, that are supported by your monitor.  r is
optional, and can be replaced with an appropriate run-level.  See below for
examples of these values.


vmode refers to both the screen size in pixels (horizontal x vertical) and the
refresh rate (in Hz).

vmode   size(pixels)    refresh         notes
-----   ------------    -------         -----
1       512 x 384       60 Hz           Interlaced NTSC
2       512 x 384       60 Hz
3       640 x 480       50 Hz           Interlaced PAL
4       640 x 480       60 Hz           Interlaced NTSC
5       640 x 480       60 Hz
6       640 x 480       67 Hz
7       640 x 870       75 Hz           Portrait
8       768 x 576       50 Hz           Interlaced PAL
9       800 x 600       56 Hz
10      800 x 600       60 Hz
11      800 x 600       72 Hz
12      800 x 600       75 Hz
13      832 x 624       75 Hz
14      1024 x 768      60 Hz
15      1024 x 768      72 Hz
16      1024 x 768      75 Hz
17      1024 x 768      75 Hz
18      1152 x 870      75 Hz
19      1280 x 960      75 Hz
20      1280 x 1024     75 Hz


cmode refers to the bit depth and will be either 8, 16, 24, or 32 (though 24
and 32 might actually produce the same result).  To convert bit depth into
number of colors simply find 2^(bit depth).  So an 8-bit display will have 2^8
or 256 colors, while a 24-bit display will have 2^24 or 16,777,216 colors
(millions of colors).  

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