> Hi Valentin,
> > http://people.debian.org/~branden/ibook.html
> > (I don't remember exactly, but it seems I've made sort of the same steps
> > order)
> in this document, you say about UFS partitions:

It's not my document
I've found it in Internet right after I've installed debian on my
iBook (after spending about a week for that).

>   # Put those four files into the "root" of your MacOS 9 / MacOS X drive. 
>   "linux", "yaboot", "yaboot.conf", and "root.bin" should be right 
>   alongside the Desktop folder (only visible in MacOS X) in the root of 
>   the drive.  (Note: this will not have the desired effect on UFS MacOS X 
>   partitions, but Apple does not ship MacOS X in that configuration.)
> but my configuration happens to be UFS.  is there some easy change to the 
> boot line, or do I need to start from scratch? 

I'm using currently configuration with all three OS installed (MacOS9,
MacOSX, Debian/Linux) and my expirience say that would be better to have
both MacOS9 and MacOSX installed on the HFS/HFS+ partitions... it has
better support in linux kernel (eg. write support from linux)...  if
you're interested in, there is my configuration:

#           type name                       size    system
/dev/hda1   Apple_partition_map Apple       31.5k   Partition map
/dev/hda2   Apple_Driver43 Macintosh        27.0k   Driver 4.3
/dev/hda3   Apple_Driver43 Macintosh        37.0k   Driver 4.3
/dev/hda4   Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh      27.0k   Unknown
/dev/hda5   Apple_Driver_ATA Macintosh      37.0k   Unknown
/dev/hda6   Apple_FWDriver Macintosh        100.0k  Unknown
/dev/hda7   Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh    256.0k  Unknown
/dev/hda8   Apple_Patches Patch Partition   256.0k  Unknown
/dev/hda9   Apple_Bootstrap bootstrap       800.0k  NewWorld bootblock
/dev/hda10  Apple_UNIX_SVR2 root            128.0M  Linux native
/dev/hda11  Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap            640.0M  Linux swap
/dev/hda12  Apple_UNIX_SVR2 lvm0            8.0G    Linux native
/dev/hda13  Apple_HFS untitled 2            5.0G    HFS
/dev/hda14  Apple_HFS untitled 3            1.9G    HFS
/dev/hda15  Apple_HFS untitled 4            2.9G    HFS
/dev/hda16  Apple_Free Extra                11.5k   Free space

Partitions from hda1 through hda8 was created automagicaly by MacOS
partition tool...
hda9  - bootstrap partiotion described in document
hda10 - my linux root partition
hda11 - my linux swap partiotion
hda12 - my all other linux partitions (I'm using LVM ;) )
hda13 - partition which I'v used for temporary file location when I
        installed linux and now I use it as partition accesible from all
        OS's installed (it could be used as partition specific for any
        OS of cause (for example it could be formated for use under
        Linux only))
hda14 - my MacOS9 partition
hda15 - my MacOSX partition
hda16 - created by MacOS partition tool too

> Also, do you know how bleeding edge a kernel I will now need for power 
> management to work? 

nothing special
all You'll need - well configured kernel (from benh tree for example)
and pmud (Apple PowerBook power management daemon)

  Valentin Podlovchenko,                        ____/|
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  \ o.O|
  Tel. +7(095) 787-2058 (ext. 1245)              =(_)=
  Fax. +7(095) 787-2056 PGP key: 0x54FAFB96        U

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