On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 14:47, Thomas Otto wrote:
> > Problem 1:
> > I can't record anything with my soundcard. Playing is no problem. I 


> If you are talking about the little microphone top-right of the screen:
> IIRC you will have to wait for the 2.6 kernels with alsa since dmasound
> isn't supporting recording (I guess externel USB Microphones won't work
> either).

Will alsa with the 2.6 kernel work without dmasound and/or allow
recording?  I would like to believe its true.  I (and many others) am
using alsa and as far as I can see have only playback available.

On the alsa mailing list I've asked if the reason for no recording is
due a lack of specs for the sound chip or a lack of desire and time on
the developer end. I've yet to get a response. Does anyone here know?

For me, its the last thing that keeps my powerbook from being fully

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