> > Ah, right. Because Mac OS only uses the Alt key to generate 'odd'
> > characters, but we use it for more. It sucks that Apple wired the iBooks
> > so that the Alt_R key is a pain to get to. The Enter key on my iBook is
> > in a good place (between the spacebar and right alt key)...
> Indeed. Unless anybody is attached to using this key as enter, what
> about an XkbVariant "laptop" which maps Mode_switch and Multi_key to
> this key, Delete to Shift+Backspace, ... ? From my reading of the
> nodeadkeys variant definition in /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86, this might
> be possible to do in one go for all layouts.

I use this key as an ALTGR key, which gives me a full PC-style keyboard. You 
press ALTGR-2 to get an "@" (not ALT-G like on a "regular" Mac), but since 
KDE maps alternative caracters for almost all the keys, it makes sense (and I 
don't have to "learn" yet another keyboard).

You can apply the changes by typing :

    cat <<EOF |xmodmap -
    clear mod1
    keycode 108 = Mode_switch

See if you like it ! 
  -- Emmanuel

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