On Tuesday 19 August 2003 1:32, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 00:52, Andreas Wüst wrote:
> > fn+alt+6:
> >
> > KeyPress event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x1800001,
> >     root 0x2d, subw 0x1800002, time 386835101, (53,50), root:(539,353),
> >     state 0x0, keycode 113 (keysym 0xff7e, Mode_switch), same_screen
> > YES,
> >     XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""
> >
> > KeyPress event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x1800001,
> >     root 0x2d, subw 0x1800002, time 386835461, (53,50), root:(539,353),
> >     state 0x2000, keycode 77 (keysym 0xff7f, Num_Lock), same_screen YES,
> >     XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""
> The keyboard converts fn+6 to NumLock. This is a good example why fn is
> not a solution. :)

Actually, that's the deth-knell of fn+anything for extra glyphs. (I was 
wondering why I could never get a circonflex ...)

Andreas, I've attached an Xkb file I've been working on. Copy it to 
/etc/X11/xkb/symbols, and put Option "XkbSymbols" "apple(laptop)" into your 
XF86Config-4 file.

This isn't a final document, though. It seems that we need a new key for 
Multi_key as well. Any ideas?


// Keyboard modification for Apple keyboards
// $Xfree86: $

partial default modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "extended" {

// Keypad equal is buggy on XFree 4.3.
//    key <KPEQ> { [ KP_Equal ] }; 
    key  <INS> { [ Help ] };
// The keys next to F12, labeled F13, F14, & F15 generate codes that XFree86
// claims not to generate.
//    key <PRSC> { [ F13 ] }; // keycode 93
//    key <SCLK> { [ F14 ] }; // keycode 123
//    key <PAUS> { [ F15 ] }; // keycode 127


partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "laptop" {

    include "apple(extended)"

    // The real numlock key on the iBook (shared with F5) illuminates the
    // Num_Lock led and locks the fn-key to type only the keypad keys on the
    // letter keys (U=4, I=5, O=6, P=*, etc.). This happens internally to the
    // keyboard. Instead the key generates Clear.
    override key <NMLK> { [ Clear ] };
    // Why can't I do this?
    //override key <NMLK> { [ NoSymbol ] };
    // The key labeled Delete sends BKSP. To get Delete, use Shift-Delete
    override key <BKSP> { [ BackSpace, Delete ] };
    // These keyboards only generate a <RALT> when pressing fn+Alt. This makes
    // it impossible to get ^ because fn+6 is KP_Clear, so use the Enter key
    // (right of <SPC>) to generate Mode_switch.
    override key <KPEN> { [ Mode_switch, KP_Enter ] };

// Outside the US, Apple keyboards use the Alt key to type the third glyph
// on each key. macos_alt allows that behavior in X, instead using the
// Apple-logo key for Meta. Should altwin(meta_win) be included?
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "macos_alt" {
    key <LALT> { [ Mode_switch, Alt_L] };
    key <LWIN> { [ Meta_L, Super_L ] };

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