On Thursday 21 August 2003 12:40, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 11:44, Frank Murphy wrote:
> > On Wednesday 20 August 2003 5:33, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > > I can get the fourth level with Mode_switch-Shift-key (as opposed to
> > > Shift-Mode_switch-key, which becomes Multi_key-key),
> >
> > OK, I got it. It's a bit wierd to get to Mutli_key, but it works OK as a
> > default.
> Yeah, Multi_key should only rarely be needed anyway.

Actually, I use it all the time. For a US keyboard, with no special chars 
engraved on the keys, Multi_key + ^ + u = û is the only way to type û. So in 
the US, Mode_switch is rarely used (though using the en_US keymap makes 
Mode_switch useful for characters like ¡ or ¿)

> > I'll probably add another variation to make Mode_switch the shifted
> > symbol.
> And disable the fourth (or third?) level, or at least make it hard to
> reach?

No, I was thinking 

override key <KPEN> { [ Multi_key, Mode_switch ] };

For those who use Multi_key more than Mode_switch (like me! :)

Another thing is that the fn+logo and shift+enter solutions both have the same 
problem ... and the same solution. To use the fn+logo key to get, say, the { 
character on a Swiss keyboard, press fn, then logo, then release fn, and 
press the 9, which will be the same finger-gymnastics with the Shift+Enter. 
So the fn+logo isn't dead after all. :)

> > Another problem will be the Enter symbol. Is that expendable?
> I think so, but we could make it available with fn, which would be
> consistent with the rest of the numeric keypad?

Perhaps, but there's a problem. According to Apple's docs on this keyboard, 
fn+Enter is supposed to be the Windows Menu key. Unfortunately, it is a copy 
of the PageUp key (X keycode 99). Now, I had noticed that there was a similar 
problem with fn+logo, where the X keycode was 222. However, since I upgraded 
my kernel from stock Debian 2.4.19 to stock Debian 2.4.21, the problem with 
fn+logo is fixed (the X keycode is 116, like it should be.

I've been looking at the kernel patches, but I can't find anything that looks 
useful (and I didn't check the Debian patches, either, come to think of it).

Does anyone here know what the change was, and how to make a similar change? 
There are also problems with the Apple Pro Keyboard's F13, F14, & F15 keys. 
They should be X keycodes 93, 123, & 127 (I think, if they're to match the 
PC's Print Screen/SysRq, Scroll Lock, and Pause. Someone with a USB PC 
keyboard will have to check that.) I can give kernel scancodes, too, if 
anyone wants them.

But, if that can be fixed, I actually think it's a good idea to be consistient 
with the rest of the fn-keypad.


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